
Nose notes part three
What can you do to utilise the powerful nose? Here are my top three tips! If you have any others, send them through :) 1) Let them...

Preparing for your puppy
You've done your homework and now you need to get ready for the arrival. There are countless online resources to help you prepare for a...

Nose notes part two
In the early 1800s a Danish chap Ludwig Jacobsen discovered an organ in the roof of the mouth, in the nasal cavity that's specifically to...

Is a puppy right for me?
Far too often dogs end up being rehomed, dumped, neglected, surrendered to shelters and pounds when so much of the heartbreak could have...

Nose Notes Part One
Take a big breath in your mouth and out your nose. Take a big breath in your nose....and out again. What did you smell? Likely, nothing...

The day started out like any other. The sun rose, the sky was a clear blue. Breakfast was enjoyed by all. According to the woofers of...

Itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spout....
Kevin saw this, screamed as if it was a three metre high man eating zombie spider and ran. Susan saw Kevin's reaction, laughed and...

Introducing the squad
A while ago and unfortunately for a while, we fell into the trap of treating the dogs as one…the three musketeers. In hindsight, we saw...